Saturday, August 15, 2015

After Trip Thoughts

Going back to San Francisco Bay Area was such a nice experience.
Spent the best year of my life over there.
So happy that to be traveling with the most important people in my life!


After working for some years, I managed to do so many things in the USA that I can't afford it previously. For instance, staying in SF Hilton, Watching Zumanity, Eating good food, Going Statue of Liberty etc... But I am not happier.

Even though I can't afford many things previously, it was so much happier and exciting. I was poor but I think of interesting way to enjoy without much money. That's more interesting, and I could get easily excited over everything.

I kinda missed that period of life. It is so much more interesting.
Everything in the world is so new and exciting.

Nowadays, lesser and lesser things excite me.
I had to practice gratitude to remind myself not to be jaded.
This is life, I can't go back to my younger self.

I can only look forward to strive to have a good, fulfilling & meaningful life

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